Final Splash

Iron spoon with sugar falling in sugar - Splash by cliplab_pro | VideoHive

Just like that time has flown and I've reached the final destination on this sweet journey. What started out as "progress over perfection", then grew to a "little of this and a little of that", which transformed into the "3 S's" and now the "final splash" is upon us. Five weeks later and I'm proud to share the final details of the Chewy Seconds journey.

Recipe testing wrapped up as did the clean-up the came along with it. I'm so thrilled with the texture and flavour profile of my creations. I only wish you could taste test it for yourself one day.

As promised last week my top secret, secret, is ready to be revealed....drum roll!!!

                                                Canine Treats

....What!?! That's right! 

What was I to do with the mounds of produce pulp remaining post juicing? In alignment with our minimal waste business model, I couldn't bare to compost it. Cue lightbulbs flashing inside my brain and a little natural sugar power to bring that to fruition. Your furry friends get a treat too! By transforming the pulp into dog treats that are safe for both humans and animals, we check another box on the good list.

I've always been a consumer that supports the business first and the product second. I put my money behind brands on a mission to do good in the world. Even on a small scale, the desire to create a positive impact is one I will always get behind. This is the main reason I'm so fulfilled by this Genius Hour product.

Next steps from here include the potential of pursuing this on a larger scale one day. This would include packaging research and logistics that I just can't wrap my head while tackling school work and real life at the same time. As I mentioned to you on day one, my mission was to combine my love of quality ingredients, environmental sustainability, and health and wellness into one idea that addressed the concern of consumer sugar consumption in our everyday lives. I want to solve a problem and I think I did just that...or at the very least, I solved my personal sugar craving. Stay tuned to find out if Chewy Seconds makes it big!

We did it, sweets! Thanks so much for coming along on the ride. Remember: always keep it spicy!

VideoHive (2021, June 15). Iron Spoon with sugar falling in Sugar - Splash (Online Image). Retrieved February 2, 2022, from 
