Little This, Little That

Just as we say in the culinary world, “a little of this and a little of that” can perfectly summarize my progress while continuing to develop Chewy Seconds.


Testing.. testing.. is this thing on?! This week was all about the product tests! I conducted 3 batch types to compare the following factors:


·      Texture

·      Colour

·      Size

·      Taste 


Quality tests are one of the most important steps before introducing a new product to a menu or brand. This is a stage that can drag on for eons to ensure it’s executed just right! I’ll let you in on a secret…being the taste tester is a very, very tough job! It’s all in the name of research, right?!


One roadblock that I appeared at this week was in my gummies texture. The gummies lose their chewy texture if left at room temperature for more than 3 hours at a time. I want to abide by my mission statement of only using the highest standard of ingredients to produce my product. In doing so, I’ve put lots of brainpower (fuelled by my taste testing) to arrive at a solution…


If you travel the grocery store isles as of late, you’ll see that the standards of shelf space are evolving. You’ll now find protein bars in the refrigerated section, or cold pressed juices next to the herbs. The markets are changing and that is in thanks to society adapting to the way they view fresh foods and how they choose to spend their hard earned dollars. Fresh means something to consumers! 


Chewy Seconds wants you to be able to read the ingredients forwards and backwards and still have you understand what you’re consuming. Our product is fresh, unprocessed, and good for you. To keep fresh things fresh, refrigeration is required. To adapt to the issue that arose this week, I pivoted our marketing strategy to suit our values. I hope one day soon, you’ll find us at your local grocer in the refrigeration section of the produce isles and be reminded of what fresh tastes like. Until then, my classmates will have to imagine the taste from their remote workspaces.


Next week is a big week where I’ll continue to test flavour combinations of in season fruits to entice our customers to take their first bite.


The kitchen is calling me back as my taste buds salivate for more… until next week, sugar!

Citation: Indhumathi. (2021, October 3rd) Does Certain Fruits Cause Weight Gain (Online Image). Retrieved from
