Progress Over Perfection

It's Thursday at 2:00pm, you're almost through your work day and it hits you...I'm not talking about the project reminder that's past due, I'm talking about the ruthless sugar craving that comes around like clockwork and you just can't pass it up! What do you grab for first? Some Maynards? Maybe Haribo are your go-to? But WAIT! The lightbulb flicks and your mouth begins to salivate...that right there is a sign that Chewy Seconds are sure to save the day.

This vision is one I hope to bring to fruition in the coming weeks (and thereafter). What if a product could do the following all at once?

  • taste delicious
  • healthier for me
  • be budget friendly
  • contribute to a solution of food waste
  • have low environmental impact
Would putting down Maynards and picking up Chewy Seconds even require a second thought? Chewy Seconds is a gummy candy brand with a mission to change the way you view snack foods in your pantry. 

My progress this week was informative and substantial. I dove deeper into the giant headline of sugar and all that it encompasses in our declining health. With my background in ingredient knowledge, mixed with my passion for health and wellness, sugar is a topic I've researched in depth on many occasions. I took that one step further this week to continue to build upon my gummy candy concept.  

This week I:
    • researched differences in healthy ingredients
    • fact checked reasons for reducing sugar consumption to better our health
    • reached out to local grocers to secure a 6 week contract to purchase produce unfit for sale
One roadblock I came to was following through with my zero waste business model while staring at mounds of produce pulp after extracting their juices. This was a tough problem to see through. 'Do I compost it and hope no one questions me?' No way sweets, after hours of research, I found a solution! I won't spill the tea on that one just yet, but I'll give you a hint...your pup will be thrilled!

Next steps from here include recipe testing, market observation, and further research on the ingredients required to pull this off.

One article that will help answer questions you may have regarding the big 'S' word can be found here.
There is no quick fix to turn our health around, but through education we can come to understand why this is so pertinent and requires such urgent attention. Who says we can't solve a problem in a fresh and innovative way? 

That's all for today, sugar! Check back in next week where I look to spice things up! 

Cassety, Samantha. (2020, October 16). "Sugars" (Online Image). Retrieved from
