(Candy) Wrap It Up!

22,013 BEST Candy Wrapper IMAGES, STOCK PHOTOS & VECTORS | Adobe Stock

As I clear away the remainder of my candy stash (and by clear away I'm referring to the bottomless pit that is my stomach!), it's time to reflect back on the exciting journey of the past six weeks.

Throughout this adventure I most enjoyed getting creative with my blog. It might've been easy to tell you that product creation was the most exciting, but shockingly that wasn't the case. Having had the chance to dream up a theme, connect ideas, and stick to an overall energy for my readers was challenging and thrilling to see it come to fruition.

I already knew I had a passion for the concepts I incorporated into Chewy Seconds, but having the time and opportunity to dive deeper was so interesting for me. The facts behind sugar consumption, the statistics on food waste and the gleaming goal of a finish line had me motivated and sparked an excitement I haven't felt in quite some time. I feel confident in where I'm at in my journey. The excitement brewing inside of me is one I'm eager to share with my students very, very soon!

The challenges that arose for me were few, yet they had me even more motivated to find solutions. As I've shared with you, I overcame the challenges in production with a little brain power and sugar kick. The overall Genius Hour challenge was navigating new forms of media that I'd never used before. I made my first movie trailer, TED talk, blog posts, and more. The challenge was there, but the accomplishment felt even greater getting over the hump. If I were to alter anything I did, I would speak slower in my TED talk. I was rushing to maintain the 5 minute criteria, though I wish I had ignored that aspect and shared at the speed I would've wanted to speak. 

As with product testing, there's always room for improvement. If I were to have it all figured out the fun and excitement of a challenge would be lost. So, I take each in stride and set a new goal to do better next time around. When will that next time be you ask!? You'll have to stay subscribed to find out!

It's been a pleasure documenting this journey with you. I hope the thought of nutritious sugar brought a smile to your face each week as you followed along. See you next time sweets, onto the sugar rainbow ahead!!! 

Candy+Wrapper Images Adobe Stock (Online Image). Retrieved February 9, 2022, from https://stock.adobe.com/ee/search?k=candy%2Bwrapper 
