
WELCOME, I'm elated you're here! 

Let's dive right into the sweet stuff and share a tidbit about me. I LOVE food! If you do too, you've reached the right place! I've been a passionate foodie since my tastebuds could sing. I began my culinary adventures with professional cooking lessons at the early age of 10 years old; shocking my peers with each creation along the way. Since then, I've explored multiple avenues of the hospitality industry which have led me to where I am today...right here with my first blog post. Flash forward 16 months as I embark on my Brock University Technological Education Teaching journey and I'll be swapping roles to inspire students such as little 10 year-old me. 

My goal for this project is to inspire you as a reader to reignite the flame inside of you that has an idea, a passion, or a goal. In whatever form that may be, let this be your reminder that you can do it all!

In what ways will I tend to my burning flame? By combining my love of ingredients, environmental sustainability, and health and wellness into one idea that addresses the concern of consumer sugar consumption in our everyday lives. I'll be monitoring my progress by checking in with peers along the way to hear their feedback, adapt accordingly, and continue to innovate to create the best solution to this problem. 

To start, I want you to ponder this question: In what way can I provide a solution to the concern of excessive sugar consumption and excessive food waste in today's society?

What does this all mean? Continue along with me as I share my passion, tips and tricks, and my experiences in the kitchen as a Hospitality and Tourism TechEd teacher to find out!

Have any suggestions along the way? Write me, I'd love to connect.

I sure do hope to see you back soon. Until then, keep it spicy, sugar!
